
We focus on the development of the international hospitality industry, digitalisation, increasing productivity, and creating sustainable tourism.

Strategy work

A change of strategy, or a strategy for change? Do we have a growth strategy, a defence strategy, or do we have a current strategy at all? A good strategy is clear, understandable to all and in touch with everyday life. It also takes account of surprises and, as we have seen, there are plenty of them around us.

Strategy work is often made into something big and mysterious. Too many companies’ hard-won strategies rot in safes. For us, strategies are a living playbook that must drive us in the right direction and take us towards the goal we have set ourselves. Missteps will and may happen, but a strategy that lives in our daily lives will get us back on the big road we have chosen. And, if circumstances change unexpectedly, a good strategy includes an idea of how to act in such circumstances. A contingency plan or worst-case scenario may not always coincide with what comes up, but being prepared for the unexpected allows you to react quickly to unexpected situations.

Strategy arrangements

Sometimes it is good to take a critical look at the logic and structure of the whole business. Can we or do we want to continue in this way? Do you change the whole structure of the business? Should it perhaps be bought or sold? Would it make sense to form an alliance or join forces? If so, with whom and how?

If this is a topic on your mind, get in touch and we’ll help you get there.

Pick: Minna Rotko
Pick: Sauli ”Sakke” Herva

Business analyses

Buying or investing?

Understanding hospitality figures and cause and effect relationships requires the ability to see beneath the surface. It’s like deep snow skiing: head on the surface, skis deep in the snow. Success requires long experience, a feel for the footprint and the ability to read terrain that the eye can’t see all the way across. Similarly, navigating the hospitality business requires the ability to see things that, for one reason or another, are not visible. This is not something that consultants outside the industry can easily do.

Decades of experience in “deep snow skiing” in the hospitality business have given us the ability to see the true state of the business. This is invaluable information for a buyer and/or investor, for example in a sale of a business or an ownership transaction. The buyer needs to know what they are really buying. Otherwise, it can be like a deep snow race: surprises come along and you get caught flat-footed.

Selling or looking for an investor?

Without a professional sales or investment prospectus, investors will not put their money where their mouth is, whether the investor is a bank, an investor, a private investor or similar. We can see the wood for the trees and help you create a comprehensive, objective investment prospectus that reflects your potential.

Sustainable Hospitality and Tourism

We operate under increasing pressure to be more sustainable. The whole future of the hospitality industry may depend on how we take responsibility for the environmental impact of our activities. Some of us are capable of working on this issue on our own, others just don’t have the energy and skills to do it. As an SME-intensive industry, we are all alone again in facing a common problem.

The solutions for sustainable (e.g. carbon neutral) operations cannot be found within the sector. The reasons are the same as for digitalisation. Sufficient backing is lacking. So here too, we are in a risky business where our future will be determined by external actors. Powerful decisions made elsewhere can run us over left and right. We have already seen the same thing several times during the corona pandemic. On the other hand, if we take responsibility ourselves, we will be doing a great service to our region, to nature and to the countless small businesses and whole communities that depend on Hospitality. In doing so, we can be responsible in passing on our industry from one generation to the next.

There are already a large number of tools for carbon-neutral hospitality, if you look for them in the right place. Understanding the players from outside the sector and adapting their tools to the needs and requirements of our sector requires an understanding of the big picture and the details of the sector. As in the digital world, we harness the best of these skills and lead projects with deep domain knowledge.

Process and concept development

Our motto is People want experiences, and we sell them! And our motivator is the follow-up question; But how do we do it profitably!

Delivering a genuine experience is not achieved by cutting corners or constantly screwing up the power factor. Balancing experience and profitability needs investment in the will of the organisation’s members, in skills, in processes, in day-to-day practices, in leading with knowledge, skill and heart.

If anywhere, in Finnish hospitality, time is money and every step our team takes time, read it money. Every extra step is also frustrating for the person taking it, even in a situation where they are paid by the time. In its simplest form, optimising time can mean a better lay out of the shop floor and a clearer division of labour for the team. At other times, improving the efficiency of a smaller business may require a whole new set of concepts, such as a major overhaul of service and production processes.

Building a new business means pouring years of operational structures into concrete. A typical mistake, especially for investors from outside the industry, is to over-invest in the framework and under-invest in the operation. If you are heading to Hospitality and thinking about investing in the sector, contact us first. It is in no one’s interest to misallocate investment.


The hospitality industry is a digital laggard. Digitalisation is mainly seen in online ordering and customer interface, but there are woefully few tools to improve internal operations. The reasons lie not in ourselves, but mainly in the structure of our industry. We are not of interest to major process development and/or consultancy firms because we operate in an industry that is too vague and fragmented for them. Our dear hospitality sector is therefore made up of small and at most medium-sized companies that are not helped by large IT and/or consultancy companies. On the contrary, they shy away from our sector, even when asked for help.

We believe that optimal digitalisation of our operations will enable us to significantly increase operational productivity. Every cent saved through efficiency is a clean margin and a stronger cash position.

We want to digitise and automate, among other things:

  • Internal information flow
  • Information management, including demand forecasting, quality, productivity, etc.
  • Reservation management, including quotas
  • Orders
  • Monitoring and control of cash flow
  • Customer communication
  • Automated calculation and monitoring of carbon footprint and online reporting.

We are a development company whose focus is on hospitality industry innovations, development cycles, increasing productivity and promoting sustainable development.